Our flying location

Free State Aeromodelers is an association of avid radio controlled model aircraft enthusiasts. Our flying field is located midway between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. Our club was chartered by the Academy of Model Aeronautics, charter number 232, in 1980. Since that time our club has grown steadily. Our current flying field, Konterra Model Airpark, opened in the spring of 2000.

We welcome all types of aircraft from fixed wing, giant scale, drones, gliders, helicopters, and more. If it flies, it can be found here. Spectators and prospective new members are always welcome to visit us at our flying field. We offer a large, well groomed runway, two shelters to keep out of the sun when it’s hot (or raining) and a large parking lot. More important than our facilities are the members. We pride ourselves at being friendly and willing to help all newcomers

A large field with trees and clouds in the sky.

No Fly Zones

Please become familiar with the No Fly Zones that surround Konterra Model Air Park. The No Fly Zones are put in place to protect and respect the safety of our guests, neighbors, and passers-by (e.g., travelers along I-95). Do not fly in these areas. Pilots found flying in these areas are subject to being grounded and revocation of flying rights at Konterra Model Air Park. Be smart. Be safe. Enforce the no fly zone. Pay special attention to the aerial map in the gallery below.

The 3 zones identified are:

  • Area A: Primary Region – Airspace is for all aircraft of all sizes.
  • Area B: Rotorcraft Region – Airspace reserved for rotocraft. No fixed wing aircraft as no landing strip is available.
  • Area C: Hover Region – No fixed wing are allowed as airspace is limited. Forward flight is allowed for micro rotorcraft only. Forward flight for large rotorcraft is not allowed.

Historical Images

Have you ever wondered what it takes to get a flying field going? Below are images from when Konterra Model Air Park was built over 10 years ago. A lot of time, energy, and money went into building our flying field and we’re proud to say we have one of the best grass field strips in the D.C. area.